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Strumenti per sviluppatori web

Autore: Fabio Di Matteo
Ultima revisione: 14/03/2019 - 12:02

In questa pagina cercheremo di catalogare tutti gli strumenti che abbiamo provato e che ci sentiamo di consigliare per programmare il web. Librerie, widgets, plugin e altro.


Framework javascript

  • Jquery - jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.
  • Gamequery - is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes.
  • Gamejs - is a thin library on top of the HTML canvas element. The GameJs API is a port of the popular PyGame to JavaScript.
  • Processingjs - Processing.js makes your data visualizations, digital art, interactive animations, educational graphs, video games, etc. work using web standards and without any plug-ins.

Widgets javascript

UI elements

  • Jquery UI - provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications.
  • Kendo UI - Kendo UI combines everything needed for modern JavaScript development, including rich UI Widgets, a powerful DataSource, an MVVM framework, universal Drag-and-Drop, Templates, and Themes.
  • Superfish (menu dropdown) - Superfish is an enhanced Suckerfish-style menu jQuery plugin that takes an existing pure CSS drop-down menu.
  • Code mirror - CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can be used to create a relatively pleasant editor interface for code-like content ― computer programs, HTML markup, and similar. If a mode has been written for the language you are editing, the code will be coloured, and the editor will optionally help you with indentation.
  • ICEcoder - ICEcoder is an open-source code editor, which provides a modern approach to building websites. By allowing you to code directly within the web browser, online or offline, it means you only need one program (your browser) to develop sites, plus can test on actual web servers. After development, you can also maintain the website easily, all of which make for speedy and smart development.
  • Codiad - Codiad is a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements. - Per permettere a codiad di usare le cartelle della root del web server cambiare la riga del file config.php da define(“WHITEPATHS”, BASE_PATH . “,/home”); a define(“WHITEPATHS”, “/”); . A tal fine è utile avere sottomano la propria DocumentRoot di apache -
  • CSS Button Generator - CSS Button Generator will create beautiful css buttons for you to use on your web pages without the need for any images.

Syntax highlighter

  • Prism - Prism is a lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind. It’s used in thousands of websites, including some of those you visit daily. ;


  • Bxslider - jQuery HTML Content Slider;
  • Jquery Innerfade - InnerFade is a small plugin for the jQuery-JavaScript-Library. It's designed to fade you any element inside a container in and out;


  • UI Layout - The UI Layout plug-in can create any UI look you want - from simple headers or sidebars, to a complex application with toolbars, menus, help-panels, status bars, sub-forms, etc.

Text editor WYSIWYG

  • Ckeditor - CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor;
  • Tinymce - is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL;

File manager

  • Kcfinder - KCFinder is free open-source alternative to the CKFinder web file manager.
  • elFinder - file manager per il web.
  • Extplorer - A PHP- and JavaScript- based File Manager.
  • YoxView - is a free Lightbox-type media and image viewer jQuery plugin. It's easy to use and feature-rich.

Media player

  • Mediafront - The Open Standard Media Player was designed with the flexibility to not only be used within a Content Management System, but also as a stand alone player within your website.

Format input

  • JQuery Price Format - jQuery Price Format is a plugin to format input text fields or any HTML element as prices. For example, if you type 123456 in a input or set a p tag with this value, the plugin updates it to US$ 1,234.56. It is costumizable, so you can use other prefixes and separators (for example, use it to get R$ 1.234,55).


idee/strumenti_per_sviluppatori_web.txt · Ultima modifica: 14/03/2019 - 12:03 da Fabio Di Matteo